Saturday 10 October 2015

Wet Set

Hair: Wet Set 

For my first practical hair session with my lecturer Emma, we learnt how to set the hair whilst wet. She did a demo for us to show the technique of dampening the hair, sectioning it and putting in rollers. The purpose of wetting the hair first is because when hair is wet the temporary (hydrogen) bonds in the hair break and they rejoin when the hair is dry or with heat.  So she dampened the hair with a water spray and then put it in a brick set with rollers.
 The hair in its natural state before styling is called Alpha Keratin. After styling once the (hydrogen) bonds have been broken and rejoined this is called Beta Keratin. 

The class was now able to go and practice the process for ourselves.

Before set (Alpha Keratin)

I combed the hair and dampened it with a water spray. I then proceeded to spray it with water and put in the first roller at the front center of the head. The next rollers were placed in a brick work fashion. This is so that when the rollers are taken out there will be no gaps from the sections. I used a portable hair drying hood on the end of the hair dryer to dry the hair. This took quite a lot of time as the hair was quite wet. After the hair is set and put under a drier the temporary bonds rejoin to the shape of their position (around the roller). Once the hair is cool I then took the rollers out as otherwise the curls can drop and lose their shape as the bonds may not be fully joined yet.  The hair formed curls so I brushed them out gently with my fingers.

 Here is how the hair turned out:

Hair by Chesey Pavey
Wet Brick Set

Hair by Chelsey Pavey
After rollers are removed
(Beta Keratin)


I have set hair before but I felt a little rusty as I haven't done this in a while so I was grateful for the practice. I used spring hair rollers as there wasn't any of the regular ones left. I found this more challenging as the mesh around the spring got caught on comb as I was trying to tuck in the stray hairs and ends. I also believe I should have either not wet the hair as much or left the hair in the dryer longer as the hair was still slightly damp in places when I took the rollers out. I could have fixed this by putting it back under the drier but as it was the end of lesson I ran out of time. I think next time I will try using regular rollers and work on my timing so I can leave the hair to dry properly before I remove the rollers. 


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