Friday 29 January 2016

Hair Pieces

Hair: Hair Pieces

Our lesson this week featured different hair pieces and switches. We had a demo by our Lecturer Emma on how to apply these to the hair and hide them. We then got asked to pick one and fit it in the hair then make a style from it, whether it be a high pony tail, plait or bun.

I decided to go with a long hair switch as my model had should length hair and I wanted to give it some more length. I started off by putting her hair in a tight ponytail. I then put the switch underneath the pony tail and separated the hair in 3 sections and started to plait them. This made the model hair blend with the hair piece. I then pinned it underneath into the base of the ponytail with a hair grip to secure it in place. Any stray hairs were slicked back with hair spray.

Here is how it turned out:

Hair By: Chelsey Pavey
Model: Brittany


What Went Well: I found this look a lot more challenging than it looked in the demo and had a couple of failed attempt before it looked right. Therefore I'm glad I got a successful style out of it even though I know it should look a lot better. It was well secured so that was one of the positives of this look. I will have to practice this in order to get it looking more presentable though.

What I Could Improve On: My model has a different shade of hair than the switch so I feel like it was harder to blend into the hair. I also feel like for a style so easy it wasn't as neat as I would have liked. As I had a few failed attempts I ran out of time to keep practicing this style to get it to look more presentable but i'm still glad I've had the experience of working with hair pieces as I will definitely be using them for further projects in the future.

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