Sunday 31 January 2016


Magazine: Elle Magazine

Elle Magazine Jan 16

Elle magazine was first published in 1945 in France and was founded by Helene Gordon-Lazareff and Pierre Lazareff who was a married couple. Elle was named as the worlds best selling fashion magazine."Elle" is french for "her" or "she". The next country to introduce the magazine was Japan in 1969. From then the US and UK followed until it became a popular and known magazine all over the world with more countries joining the bandwagon.

73% of Elles readers have a subscription to the magazine and they have 33 websites in different languages to make it more accessible to readers. The average age of its readers is 34 but 82% of its readers do range between 18 - 49, which is still a pretty wide margin. The editor in chief, Roberta Myers said "Our readers are young enough to think about life as an adventure and old enough to have the means to live it".

Tom Ford Advertisement in ELLE Jan 16 Issue

As Elle is a fashion magazine it often advertises high end fashion pieces, products or brands. Looking through my copy of Elle and nearly everything advertised is expensive and high end which shows the target audience would likely be more upper class. All the pieces advertised seems to be aimed at women which stuff like bags, shoes and cosmetics being spread across its pages. The most expensive brands seem to have a two page or more spread for advertisement. It is clear the magazine makes a lot of money from offering advertisement as the magazine heavily offers it's pages for this purpose.
It seems that Elles readers are young and successful enough to follow the fashion trends and be able to afford the items advertised. They may also be in or interested in the fashion industry and use this magazine to keep up with the current trends and products on the market. The magazine also features fitness or diet tips which suggests that readers care about their appearance or look for an approach to a different lifestyle.


Anon, (2016). Elle.

Wikipedia. (2016). 

Elle (magazine). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Apr. 2016].

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